Bring ancient wellness traditions into your own home with simple practices that will transform how you make yourself feel!
Alpha Gal Allergy
For those of us who suffer from an Alpha Gal allergy, here are some ideas about what to avoid and how to help yourself feel better
Plant Allies in a Low-Carb Diet
Just because you are making your meals low carb does not mean that you shouldn't enjoy them! Try new things until you can get used to feeling satisfied without that familiar sugar rush.
Introduction to Herbal Medicine
Humans have always used herbal medicine, just like other animals who use their instincts to find plants that will improve their health.
Shamanism For All
Shamanism creates a connection with the spiritual side of us, which separates us from our normal connection to the physical world.
DIY Ritual Dance
Dancing has been a form of prayer throughout human history. If we go back in time, all of us have ancestors who danced to feel a divine connection.
DIY Smudging
For over five thousand years, humans have recorded the use of aromatic smoke for make different conditions. Check out these basic instructions for doing it yourself at home, safely!
Are There Anti-Virals in Your Kitchen?
Let’s go back in time around the world to see what common plants people have used to protect themselves from viruses in the past.