Alpha Gal Allergy

Wellness Tools for Alpha Gal Allergy
If you suffer from an Alpha Gal allergy, how do you know what to avoid and how to feel better? Here are some wellness tools to try.
- Do your research – find out what science has most recently discovered about the Alpha Gal allergy. This will give you confidence, help keep you safe and allow you to make educated decisions.
- Keep a food journal – You might know that between 4 and 5 hours after eating meat, that you will be breaking out in hives or feeling your throat close. But less obvious symptoms can also be caused by ingesting something in your food or medicine. If you get indigestion or other health symptoms, write them down together with what you have consumed that day or even the day before. If you need help, work with an experienced nutritionist or a health coach.
- Find the right foods – When you know that a certain food is making you feel bad, stop eating it. Find other options to satisfy your cravings for dairy, find candies without gelatin and experiment with vegan meal options.
- Talk to your doctors – Make sure that your doctor knows that you’re allergic to Alpha gal. You should not have medications with certain ingredients such as gelatin or carrageenan. You also should be able to get a blood test, including a separate test for dairy. Always have an EpiPen with you, just in case.
- Get support – Learning that you have an Alpha Gal allergy and managing it long term can be very difficult. Find help choosing the right foods and dealing with the changes. A health coach with personal experience, in addition to your medical allergist, is a good combination. Feel free to contact me for more information or to start coaching sessions.