Health Coaching for Alpha Gal Allergy

Health Coaching for Alpha Gal Allergy

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $320.00.

Health Coaching for Alpha Gal Allergy studies how 3 months of health coaching can improve overall health and wellness in Alpha Gal Allergy sufferers.


The Health Coaching for Alpha Gal Allergy is a research study to test the results of health coaching on the overall health and quality of life of people suffering from an allergy to Alpha Galactose. This allergy is commonly called the Red Meat Allergy, however there are many other substances which can cause a range of reactions. These include, but are not limited to, all mammal-based products, dairy, gelatin, some medications and a few substances which are not from mammals. Some people who suffer from Alpha Gal Allergy have severe reactions including anaphylaxis. Research has focused on understanding and preventing severe attacks.

This Health Coaching for Alpha Gal study will look at non-severe reactions. These include digestive discomfort, body pain, inflammation, immune function, fatigue and emotional stress. Non-severe reactions affect the person’s daily experience and overall quality of life. This study will ask participants to rate their non-severe reactions weekly during a Health Coaching for Alpha Gal session. These sessions will be held virtually for 3 months and then the data will be analyzed.

Weekly Health Coaching Sessions will include the following:

Participant talks with the coach, shares their weekly updates, and scores non-severe reactions.

Coach will help participant to raise awareness about substances and reactions.

Coach will recommend avoidance of different substances for periods of one week or more, and a recording of any changes in reaction levels.

Coach will help participant to set goals for making changes to improve physical health, mental health and overall well-being.

Coach will support theses changes with listening, cooking suggestions, links to relevant research and other Alpha Gal resources.

Participant will visit with their medical provider at the beginning and the end of the study, and follow any medical advice provided.

Coach will report weekly to the doctor, who will agree to a complete blood test of Alpha Gal factors, and potentially other health indicators.



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